Friday, September 4, 2009


13 ramadhan.khamis
hari ni sorang lagi anak saya dah khatam quran sepanjang ramadhan. tahniah faridah huda (10 tahun)...masalahnya, dia tak reti nak tulis dalam jadual mutabaah alquran yang cikgu suruh.
agak-agak ajelah huda, kata saya
abang sulungnya, ihsan dah khatam 2 tiga hari lepas kot...
nampaknya saya yang masih jauh. selalunya tak sejauh ini saya ketinggalan.huhu..
bercakap tentang alquran... tadi saya dapat satu e-mail tentang seorang tokoh, baca sampai habis ye

Hofmann named Islamic personality of the year
Published: September 02, 2009, 10:57 Dubai:
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann was selected the Islamic Personality of the Year by Dubai International Holy Quran Award (DIHQA), which was announced on Tuesday during the Quran competition session.
Dubai International Holy Quran Award annually honours an Islamic figure for their immense contributions to Islam; with this year’s 13th session granted to Dr. Hofmann.
The Quran competition has 85 contestants from different countries competing for the top 10 placements.
According to Ebrahim Bu Melha, Chairman of the Dubai International Holy Quran Award, Dr. Hofmann was selected for his numerous contributions and publications about and for Islam and for his conversion to Islam.
Dr. Hofmann is a prominent German diplomat and author of several books on Islam, including Journey to Makkah and Islam: The Alternative.
Many of his books and essays focus on Islam's status in the West and, after September 11, in particular, in the United States.
He is one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding.
Dr. Hofmann was born a Catholic, but converted to Islam in 1980. His conversion was met with some controversy due to his high profile in the German government.
He converted to Islam as a result of what he witnessed in the Algerian War of Independence and his fondness for Islamic art.
In his own writings Dr.Hofmann stated of his conversion and time in Algeria, "I witnessed the patience and resilience of the Algerian people in the face of extreme suffering, their overwhelming discipline during Ramadan, their confidence of victory, as well as their humanity amidst misery."
He felt it was their religion that made them so, and therefore, he started studying their religious book – the Quran. "I have never stopped reading it, to this very day," he said.

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